Saturday, August 23, 2008

Two days and counting.

Okay, so I am sincerely pissed that they changed our lockers to the opposite end of the hallway. I was locker number one-hundred! That's a great number for a locker! I'm going to be, like, thirty-eight or something now. I do not like that number; the only number of in the thirties that I like is thirty-three. Don't even get me started if I end up being in the forties. (In case you haven't noticed: I'm a very picky, slighty obsessive person.)

We were all upset that we weren't going to be in Mr. Raymond's class this year and he always said that we'd still be at his end of the hallway, but not anymore! What makes them think that we want to be by the seniors?! Okay, so I love Colt and people like that, but the majority of the class is not my favorite. Mainly the guys, I like most of the girls.

I don't know why this ticks me off so much, but it does.

In other news, tonight is Mr. Raymond's porch party which barely anyone knows about because Heidi and I are not very good at informing people. I'll rant to him tonight about not being at the right end of the hallway anymore. I'm going to ask the freshman that has my locker if they'll trade me, haha.

Seriously though. I'm totally doing it.

I'm done with my rant now. I'm going to clean my room and ready my school supplies since that's why I didn't go to Lubbock for my aunt's birthday. After that I'll be getting ready for the porch party. It's going to be fun.

I love Mr. Raymond, he's fun to talk to. All of my friends and I will probably come back during college breaks, says hello to our families, then go talk to Mr. Raymond. Haha, totally.

Okay, bye.


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