Saturday, August 23, 2008

I fed a homeless man a banana. :)

ooh i get to post my first blog. :)

(Well shoot my cats and call me Telulah! It's me.)

Yes, I am butally honest. I don't believe in sugar coating things unless it's absolutely necessary. Although over the summer I have come to believe that my crude little balls have ran off to some little wussy pre-teen that needed them more than I.

I am dating a guy named Jacob. He's...well...Jacob. Here I'll show you a picture and maybe you'll understand...

Do you see what I mean...


Okay so NEXT!

I was told to blog about this and personally I find it intresting and something to read about.

Yesterday...I gave a homeless man bananas.



He didnt seem too enthused. I think he would have been happier if the bananas were crack bananas but they didn't have those at Prarie Star so I was stuck with normal bananas.

okay, thats it not that exciting really.

I guess Im supposed to put my name here...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahaha. You're so funny. I love you, KaCee.

I'm so glad you're doing this blog too, haha.