Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Don't be tryin' to get me hit, playa hater.

That would be a quote from my completely white father.

Anyways, school has gotten better. I was totally overwhelmed the first day especially at work which has been really dramatic lately. It's annoying. And theres this like twenty year old guy that comes in there and like stares me down but with like a smile on his face though, Idon't know creepy. And I must say off campus lunch is pretty cool but my 'visitors' aren't working out but I don't know how to end it. Oh well, oh and be prepared to laugh. Apparently when I went to camp this summer I met a guy and fell madly in love with him, hahahhaha-NOT. People are stupid, and make like the lamest rumors about me. I don't even care about rumors though but most of them are just really funny.

Oooooh! We're gonna start the super cat weight lifting program in basketball so maybe I will start to jump higher, then I would be like incredible at basketball because I'm like six foot or whatever AND I would be able to jump! I'd be a pimp, a female pimp. :)


I'm excited for prom, homecoming, football games, senior rings [:)], basketball, and so much other crap. I'm anticipating them all. :) Although I am still nervous about all the stuff I got on my plate so I know I'm gonna be exhausted from it all. I know this makes me sound nerdy but I don't care, I'm actually excited about starting The Scarlet Letter in Honors English. I can't watch T.V. still on weekdays (thanks to my extremely protective and sometimes overbearing father) so that gives me time to read. :)

I can't wait for the photoshoot on Friday. :)

Well I gotta stop procrastinating and do my homework.


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